Minute Maid Augmented Reality Mobile App

美粒果 掌上自然一下 擴充實境 App

At anytime, anywhere, you can bring the natural in front of you.
Simply scan the Minute Maid orange bottle or print ads. Streams , forests , orchards , flowers scene will appear to you.

With AR technology,  ultra realistic virtual space and the real nature integrate.
Even if you are in a city surrounded with high-rise buildings,
one can always feel the natural atmosphere, refreshing yourself from the dull city life.

You may take pictures or video with the 3D nature with different themes of interactive real scene .
Then, you can also customize your unique moment with Minute Maid for sharing to Weibo, Weixin and other social platform .


一款能夠隨時隨地把自然帶到你眼前的APP,只需掃描美汁源果粒橙瓶身或平面廣告,小溪、森林、果園、花海躍然眼前。讓人彷彿置身大自然之中,驚喜無限。 通過AR技術將超真實的虛擬大自然與真實空間相融合,讓身處高樓大廈的都市人能夠時刻感受到自然氣息,讓平淡的都市生活立刻活起來。 你可選擇拍照或視頻的方式與不同主題的三維大自然進行現場實景的互動。最後可將自己原創的拍攝內容分享到微博、微信等​​社交軟件。

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