Hong Kong DisneylandGrizzly Mountain Roller CoasterAR Interactive Game


Date: August 2012

Venue: Mega Box, Kowloon Bay

Hong Kong Disneyland has collaborated with MegaBox to create a giant Grizzly Gulch launch campaign in the shopping mall. Dontbelieveinstyle has designed and implemented a virtual reality (VR) game for visitors to have a 3D first-person experience of a journey on Runaway Mine Cars, the roller coaster in Grizzly Gulch.

With VR glasses and Kinect, players are immersed in the realistic 3D world. By raising their hands in front of Kinect, two players complete with each other by collecting most gold coins in the roller coaster journey.

為迎接暑假的來臨,MegaBox 特別準備了一連串以香港迪士尼樂園全新主題園區「灰熊山谷」為主題的精彩活動及充滿西部風情的佈置,為大家帶來一個好玩難忘的冒險之旅。商場以「MegaBox約你飆上灰熊山」為主題,打造多個攝影及遊戲區,包括全港獨有巨型「灰熊山谷冒險之旅」佈置、「灰熊山極速礦車」一比一車卡仿製品、獨家「灰熊山極速礦車」虛擬旅程互動遊戲 及「西部囚室」攝影區等,讓一眾迪士尼樂園粉絲們前來拍照留念。同時,MegaBox更首度舉辦「灰熊山谷冒險之旅––棋盤遊戲爭霸戰」,讓迪士尼樂園粉絲們齊齊成為探索狂野西部的先鋒。