K11 Interactive Undersea Food Market

An Installation art called “Interactive Undersea Food Market” is at K11 gallery – Stage of the Arts in between Tsim Sha Tsui MTR conjunction. I was responsible for the creative ideas, technical setup design, interface design and programming development. We have developed this long interactive tunnel that can let user to experience the whole interactive journey while walking through the tunnel.

To start the exploration, players must first transform themselves into brave divers with photo kiosk, delving into the deep blue sea via an interactive tunnel and battling with food-sea creatures such as hamburger-turtles and doughnut-crabs with body gestures. The adventure ends when the players reunite with “Crow Kitty Catcher” and pose in front of an Epson photo booth for a snap.

One of the challenges was to develop the massive content of six projectors in the tunnel. We used two Matrox TripleHead2Go with two OpenFrameworks programs to construct the tunnel projection content and setup a TCP communication between two programs. Four Microsoft Kinect were used to detect players’ body gestures. By various tests with animation team, the rich content could be kept without degrading the performance of programs.